Friday, April 11, 2008

Rosemary Lee's Birth 21 Feb.

I first met your mom shortly after she first moved here to Alabama. I met her and your big brothers (who weren't quite so big at the time) at a LLL mtg get together. I met your dad the first time at a Harry Potter event at Books -a- Million, your sister was a little thing in a sling I believe. What a birth story she had...

Your mom had a c-section with your oldest brother, then went on to have a lovely VBAC with your next brother. Things at the hospital in another state were different, but because that was just how things were done, your mom didn't know anything different. When she got pregnant with you and was talking about her birthing options, she realized she had had it pretty good. She had not been tethered with all the cords and machines, just intermittent monitoring and no I.V. It had just been normal for her to be up and moving around during her labor and she spent time in the shower which made her feel good and able to deal with the labor, and she assumed that was what she would have again. She was able to find an OB Dr. that would allow intermittent monitoring, and let her up to move around, however, in place of an I.V., she would have to have a hep-lock. For someone who has already had a birth in a hospital without one, and to know she does not have good veins (they roll), and didn't want the repeated pokes with a needle, she really tried to negotiate to not have to have one.

So nearing the time of your sister's arrival, your mom was doing great, and other than lots of Braxton Hicks contractions, she was just waiting for the real thing to begin. She went to her regular appointment and was having some ctx. was 4 cm, and nothing really was happening, so she went home. She thought something might be happening later that afternoon, and had her doula come by the house. They hung out but she really wasn't doing anything to speak of, and they figured it was just really early prodromal labor. The doula went home and went to bed. Your mom just couldn't get comfortable, and got in the shower. Things changed quickly, and all of the sudden she started to feel something. She had your dad call the doula, who literally jumped in her car and raced back to your house in her p.j's, and arrived just in time to reach in and 'catch' your sister! Your mom and dad were in shock! The last time she'd labored, it had taken quite a few hours, and, she wanted to go to the hospital, but it just happened so fast! They called the EMT's and mom and baby were taken to the hospital in an ambulance where they were both pronounced perfectly healthy and fine! When the Dr. arrived he just looked at your mom and said, "you really didn't want that hep-lock, did you?" they all laughed about it.

I saw your mom at a LLL mtg. she asked if I was doing anything in Feb? I asked if that was an announcement? She said yes. We talked a couple of times during the next months, but mostly just general stuff. We finally got together in Jan to talk about what she wanted this time and how I could work with her and M. to help them have the best birth possible.
When asked what she wanted for this birth it was - to get to the hospital in time! :-)
When your mom was about 36 weeks she was checked and was about 3 cm. Well, having had a very fast precipitous birth last time that put her a bit on edge. She was feeling like if something happens she could have the baby at any time... and this time she was having some pretty good/hard Braxton Hicks ctx for a long time during the pregnancy, and as she got closer to the end, they picked up too. One day we talked and she had a low back ache, and was having some pretty good ctx, but when we talked she told me that the day before she had spent all day cleaning, (We wondered if it was that nesting urge), and then that day she'd spent sitting in a chair sewing. That can make any one's back hurt, let alone if you are 9 months pregnant! She was almost afraid to get in the shower to see if that would relax her, for fear it might relax her too much, like last time and she might just have the baby!
A day or two later, she called and was having what were feeling like pretty strong ctx starting, but there was no pattern. She had been trying to rest and had laid down in her bed to read stories to the kids, before naps, and was getting pretty uncomfortable and was having to stop reading to deal with the ctx's. I happened to have an older girl home sick that day so I left my little guy and went on over to see how she was doing. She had also called her husband home and he was there by the time I arrived.
We visited for a little while, she would have a ctx. but nothing regular and in the 30 minute apart time bracket. We were trying to decide what to do. Your poor daddy was pretty concerned that she would have you at home again. Your mom was uncomfortable laying down, was not thrilled at sitting, but tired from several days of ctx on and off again. We didn't think things were going too quickly, but I also really didn't want to leave them and have them have a baby alone at home, again like last time.
Your mom was getting hungry and we were thinking your mom needed a change of pace and scenery. It is the south, but it was also Feb. and a bit chilly outside. The wind was blowing quite a bit and it was getting later in the afternoon, heading toward evening, and she didn't really want to just walk laps in the street in front of your house either. Your mom was craving Chinese food! Finally they decided to go to the Chinese buffet to eat dinner, and I went home (but Chinese sounded good to me too so I stopped at the grocery store and bought some Chinese stir fry stuff and went home and made dinner for my family). After dinner your mom spent some time walking around Books-a-Million (she likes that place...) :-) After arriving home, your Aunt came to help watch your big brothers and sister. Your mom tried to relax and rest, but it was difficult.
Your dad called me around 10 p.m. to report that the ctx were getting a bit closer like around 20 minutes, but still no real pattern. Your mom was uncomfortable, afraid to get in the shower... so I suggested seeing if a bath might help her to feel a bit better. Dad called around midnight to say that your mom was in the tub and it did help some. the ctx were inching a bit closer but still no pattern. At 2 am your dad called to say they had started a pattern... the last several ctx were 12 minutes apart. I got up left my little guy sleeping with his daddy, and as I was preparing to get in the car (the day before when my daughter was home, I'd taken her car, so that she'd have the car seat with my little guy. So my birth bag, birth ball, etc were all in her car, and I had to move everything around so she'd have her car to drive to school in the morning. I yanked our car seat out to leave for dad to drop off with a sitter). By the time I was getting in my car to head to your house, your dad called and said that the ctx had been 12 minutes apart regular for an hour, and the last three had changed to 9 min, 7 minutes and then 4 minutes. I told them I'd meet them at the hospital, rather than them waiting for me to get to them about 20 minutes, and then deciding if it was going to be too fast to get in the car and drive the 20 minutes or so to the hospital!
I arrived before they did, so I went upstairs to 'warn' the nurses that your mom was coming in and to be ready, since she hadn't made it to the hospital last time. There was really nothing the nurses could do however until your mom arrived and they could check on her situation. They did assign her a room, so I put my stuff down and went back down the elevator to wait for your mom and dad to arrive. They pulled up shortly thereafter, and we all headed inside. Your mom was AWESOME!!!!!!!
We got upstairs to Labor and Delivery, and they had us go to the room, they checked her and she was 8 cm! She'd have a ctx, get very quiet and breathe, then when it was over she'd be just about as perky as a person 9 months pregnant can be! They couldn't believe she was 8 cm already! By the time they asked all the questions, (on a scale of 1-10 how bad is your pain? your mom was so cute! She said, "Well, I don't think they're any harder than they've been all day, just stronger, and closer together, I guess the pain level is about a 6." This is at 8 cm). Once they had monitored the labor for the initial 10 minutes, your mom was ready to get in the shower!
Then they had to get the hep-lock in and draw labs. It took two nurses several tries and several sticks before they managed to get it in a vein. Your poor mommy! She did such a great job, however it was so painful that it about did her in! She could totally handle the labor, no problem! It was getting that darn IV needle in for the hep-lock that was a horrible experience. All the while knowing she had already had two babies with out a hep-lock or i.v. and that she really didn't want/need it.
Then Dr. C. arrived and checked her and she was almost at 10 cm's, just a small lip of cervix left. She wanted to get in the shower! He had told her that he would be willing to let her deliver in whatever position or wherever she wanted, even in the shower, if she'd just get to the hospital this time! She loved the shower for both her last two labors, and so that's where she wanted to be.
She was finally able to get in after they got a plastic bag to tape over her arm where the hep-lock tubing was at, and the shower really helped. She leaned over and let the water hit on her lower back. There is a bench seat that folds up in the shower and she leaned on that. She was getting tired and tried to squat and lean on the bench thing, but that can wear your legs out really fast. I asked the nurse if there was any sort of small foot stool. She came back with one of those rolling one's not too short, but it would work. I put a towel on it for your mom, so it would be a bit cleaner and softer to sit on. That seemed to help, but then when she wanted to lean over, it was almost the same level as the bench, a long way to lean over a contracting 9 month tummy! So... I go out to her room and ask the nurse how waterproof the plastic covered pillows are? she said pretty waterproof. So I pull the pillow case off and take it in and fold it over on the bench and it is softer and helps raise her head up a little bit. She stays in the shower and labors for about 40 minutes or so. She was started to feel just a pit pushy at the peak of a ctx. The Dr. came over to the doorway near the bathroom and said to me, "is she really going to do this in the shower?" I said, "She wants to! Did you bring a change of clothes?" Well, then a few minutes later I think he realized she was pretty serious, and he didn't 'really' want to get all wet... so he had the nurse tell her she had to get out.
So out she comes from the shower, and we get her dried off and try to warm her up a bit, she puts on the lovely hosp. jonnie gown, and we head back to the bed. Dr. C. checks her and yes she's 10, and can try pushing on the next ctx. The ctx which had been about 2-3 minutes apart for the past hour, now take a little break and she's just sitting there going, o.k. everyone is staring at me, waiting for me to do something, and no ctx...
Then she had the next ctx. and she could NOT be on her back, and was reaching and grabbing for anything she could (a hand or whatever) to pull herself more upright and Grabbed hold of the squat bar (which we'd asked for earlier and the nurse had put on the bed - yay). She did about two ctx on the squat bar and her water broke, and then she said something like, "it's not supposed to hurt like this", we all sort of laughed. By the next ctx. your mommy decided she did not like that position and flipped over on her hands and knees! The Dr. was totally fine with that, and she began pushing you out. It took a couple of pushes. As your head came out, it was kind of cute, I looked around the room and all the nurses had their necks craned like they were peeking and trying to see the baby, and they all had big smiles on their faces! It was neat. I think because when a mommy is on her hands and knees to deliver, the baby comes out face up and so you can see the sweet little face as it comes out. They don't think they see that very often at all.
The Dr was giving a running commentary, we have forehead, I can see eyebrows, here's her eyes, and now a nose. Her mouth. As your fat little cheeks came out, Dr. C. said "she looks like a 'M'!"(like your family). Then the funniest thing happened, I said she's blowing raspberries! and there you were just blowing out bubbles and making raspberry noises... Next came your shoulders, then your arms were just reaching out while half of your body was still inside... It was an amazing sight. Then you worked your way out, and mommy's body pushed and out you came! All 8 lb's 5 oz, and 21 inches of you! Miss Rosemary Lee. You arrived at 5:19 a.m.
What a sweet baby girl! Your mommy did an awesome job!
It was a privilege to be able to be a part of your birth. What a sweet family.

1 comment:

Wendyrful said...


You forgot to mention her transition: "I think the baby is coming, but I'm not sure." :)

God bless,